Sunday, January 29, 2012

No Friends Left Behind On Powder Days!

...That's the old ad-age, isn't it?  Well, it should be.  If you're worried about what the park looks like after all this fresh snow we've been getting over the last two days, we need to talk about priorities!  The park is still there, burried in a foot of snow, so it's another one of those 'pow line to rail to pow line.  Not that there is anything wrong with that, in fact, it's quite the pleasant change compared to what we have been seeing this season.  The real action isn't in the park though.  It's EVERYWHERE else!  The quad and double are nothing but pillows, pow and face shots!    Get your boys and/or girls together and get up there.  You can learn rails and jibs in your backyard this week..  In the mean time, get out here and enjoy riding in it's purest form.  It's going off right now, and one thing I've learned about Mother Nature this season, is don't take her for granted for a second!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Nothin' but blue skies! Sunshine!

...Simply amazing up there today.  Sunny, crisp morning with fresh powder groomed into the hill leaving it as the softest cords in recent memory.   Extensive work last night by Dan and Jake really paid off.  As far as I can see, this is the best rail park around!   The boys from outside are working on grooming out the double today, and once that is complete we will be working on the jumps in the park.  We may have gotten off to a slow start, but the same can be said for most Mid-Western mountains this season.  Now and in the forecast, there doesn't seem to be much of a shortage of snow.

  In the first set of pictures, there is the Flat Box, Corey P, and the Mortar Cannon.  All placed with love and care by our park staff.

In this picture is the Bawating Rail, and a new-funky-fandangled kinky PVC.  It's a pretty fun down-flat-down set up.

This one is somethin' else...  Not even sure what to call it.  It's a crazy-gnarly PVC linked boobie-gap...  I guess?

This is the other Bawating Rail, long and slightly down-sloped.  In behind is the old family favorite, the A Frame.

And the final picture of today's Blog is that of your fearless Terrain Park Supervisor, Jake Trumble.  Giving everything the thumbs-up.  It's a good day be a skier or snowboarder, especially today at Searchmont!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Sunny and Soft!

   Almost a foot of fresh snow has really changed the appearance of the terrain park.  I went up a few minutes ago to shoot a video for it, but Jake and Dan are up they're doing what they do best...  Building it up!  They figure by tomorrow things will be looking good enough to shoot, hopefully the sun holds (even though I'd actually prefer another few feet of fresh) so everything looks crisp on film.

  It's the same basic 7 features that I wrote about yesterday and all have been given love over the past few hours.  They've built a couple more features that will be unveiled in tomorrow's blog.  Only way to get a sneak-peek is to get out here.  Tonight is $9.95 Friday and I will even wager to say that it will probably be the best night conditions in the past few years.  As of 2:30 this afternoon, there is no sound of ice.  Riding up the lift is serene, all you can hear from the skiers below is the sound of pushing snow.

  For the kiddies, we've set up our Grom Park.  This is a basic flat park where parents can take kids to give them the feel for standing sideways.  All features are ride-on with a very mellow downslope.  Ideally, this terrain park is reserved for our very youngest of riders who want to be able to say "I slayed a park today!"

The Grom Park:

The Log Jib

The Table Top

The Dance Floor

The Tire Jib (currently being built)

Overall Park View

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Powderline to boardslide to powderline!

Man 'O Man!
The snow is light, fluffy and deep!
We have a lot to report today, but basically, if you're worried about what the terrain park looks like on a day when the mountain has been dumped on with more than 8", in my humble opinion, you need to get your priorities straight!  One pass has been made up the main by the Snow Cat and the rest is light-as-air-freshie-fresh!

As the terrain park itself sits, we're still looking at the same lineup of 7 features however with the fresh dumping, more park along with more mountain should be up and running by the weekend!

  We have also started building a Junior Grom Park.  We're sick of hearing "...oh, he's only 4, he can't snowboard..." because it's a complete load of garbage.  With all the research and development going into kids snowboard lineups over the last couple years, there is no reason why the kids can't shred their own little park too!  What we have done is very simple.  The park is built beside the villas on the lodge side in front of the pool.  The ground is basically flat with a slight grade and everything is a ride-on feature.  Parents are welcome to come out and work with their kids without having to take a lift, a sled or walk up the mountain.  Because it's a flat area, parents and/or instructors can push or pull kids over the obstacles. Right now we have a dance floor, a table-top and a log-jib.  We're working on putting in tires and PVC pipes.

  This area is free, however still requires a POMA pass.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Nothin' but good things!

...That's all we've been hearing about the new Terrain Park.  The park crew is up there day in and day out doing what they can with the amount of snow they've been given.  Some of the quotes from the riders are along the lines of "...the park is so sick!!!! I'm loving it...",  "...Great job with the park guys!!...", "...Park looks sweet!!..." "...Its so tight, I am pooched but cant wait to ride it tomorrow!..." Each of the current 7 features have been place with love...  Kinda like when you were a child and your mom would tuck you into bed after your Sunday night bath and a new episode of America's Funniest Home Videos.  The good ones with Bob Saget and not that new guy.  Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy knowing how much love has been poured into our park.

  We are also working on our first park update video as this is being typed.  It will be posted here as soon as we're finished.

Friday, January 13, 2012

We didnt get as much as in town, but still more than yesterday!

  The better part of the snowfall seemed to have not quite made it out here to Searchmont.  There is a few fresh inches and cooler temperatures which is a nice change from the mid-January spring-like conditions.  I'd prefer to save the spring conditions for...  Well...  The spring!

 There is no Backyard Minipark at this time, things have been moved up to the main so the double can be prepared for opening.  All 7 features are still up in the regular terrain park (see pics from yesterday's blog), and park was groomed this morning so things are nice and fresh.

 There have also been talks about setting up a mid-season Phat Kamp this year as well.  The response from last year was great and the kids seem to want more of it.  We will let you know as soon as we set something up!

  Also, we would like to extend our most sincere get-wells to Midland, Ontario native Sara Burke.  She was injured in a training crash and is in intensive care in a Park City, Utah hospital.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

We're now up on the Main area!

   An utter lack of snow and above-freezing temperatures are putting a hold on snow-making.  As of yesterday however, the Main Terrain Park has been opened up.  Not enough snow for booters yet, but according to Dan Pandzic, Terrain Park staff and daily rider: "the park at searchmont is friggen SIIICK RIGHT NOW!!!!! we moved it to the main and got them all set perfect!!! seriously the sickest rail park in a while!!! so funn!!"

  The Backyard area will continue to be maintained, changed and re-arranged to keep the Shredders looking for some hiking-action with their Bro's, parents who want to see what has been learned without having to flag down Safety Team to sled them up to where the action is, and as always, our Bar patrons who like to chill and watch the action from the warm confines of Bernard's Bar.

  Jake and the boys got 7 features set up in the Terrain Park.  Here's a few pics:

The regular old Fun Box, the old favorite Corey P and the new Mortar Cannon.

Another shot of the Mortar Cannon and Corey P

There's Jake doing Jake stuff  beside the PVC and the Up-Flat.

The A-Frame, looking as gnarly as ever!

....and, the Bawating rail!


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Unexpected snow making things look GREAT!

  Steady and unexpected snowfall are making things look gnarly out there!  Flakes are huge and steady.  Accumulation is obvious on the rails and boxes.  Jake and the boys have been out salting things this morning to soften it up.  All features are in full swing today and remember, it's your last shred-day 'till wednesday.
  We are working steady on the main terrain park area and this snow fall should help.  Hopefully within the next week or two we will be able to get set up on the main area of the hill.  The Backyard Minipark will still be available for use...  How could we deny our bar patrons of the entertainment of The Backyard?

Be sure to check our other online media outlets such as Searchmont's websiteSearchmont's Facebook or our Youtube page

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Cool morning but the sun is peaking out!

  Things are a little bit cool this morning out in The Backyard.  Warmer temperatures yesterday and overnight with a slightly below freezing morning is making things a little slick.  The sun is peaking out and softening things up right now.  Within the next hour or so, things should be softer.

Jake, Dan, Nate and the boys were out working on everything yesterday in anticipation of the cooler temperatures.  Things have been sculpted to perfection and now just waiting on the sun to beat down and soften thing up a little...  Here's a couple pics of Dan from yesterday.

Friday, January 6, 2012

7 Features up an running!

It feels like we're in B.C. or Mt. Hood this morning.  Check the pics on Searchmont's facebook page.  Sunny up top above the cloud lines.  Amazing!

Today the Backyard Minipark is in full swing, as always!  7 Features up today.  The new Rainbow/Vert wall, Corey P, The A-Fram, The Battleship Canon, the good old PVC and a few others!  Conditions are expected to be a little warmer today than it has been making for a nice soft landing.

Jake, Nate and Dan are out there right now utilizing the warmer weather for sculpting.  Lack of snow and cold may not be good for the rest of the mountain, but in The Backyard conditions are amazing!


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Backyard Minipark in FULL SWING!

  Jake, Nate, Chris and Dan have been out there going and going and going.  There are 7 features up in the Backyard as we speak.  A nice vert wall, A-Frame, a couple fun boxes, and a couple rails.   These are being improved upon daily and additions are planned for several features in the near future. 
  We are still unsure of when the full terrain park will be open, it's all up to Mother Nature.  Science will only take us so far, we still need the cold to blow snow.  
  Check the Searchmont Resort Facebook Page or the Searchmont Terrain Park Group for updates as well!
